Empower Your Mind Therapy

Empower Your Mind Therapy is a mental health therapy practice located in New York City, NY. They were looking to improve their social media presence - to create a new cohesive brand through professional graphics and images, and a content strategy that spoke to their target audience and positioned EYMT as an expert in their field.

We created a new strategy to include a consistent posting schedule, new graphics that were cleaner and more professional and focused on creating content that both educated and inspired their target audience. By highlighting the pain points of their young adult target audience, we were able to over double their followers and drastically increase their impressions and engagement.

Organic Social Media Marketing

Proven Results & Successes (in the first 4 Months)


Increase in
accounts reached


Increase in


Increase in
profile visits

After FlyDog

Before FlyDog

Praise for FlyDog

I'm consistently impressed with the level of engagement and actual business inquiries that come through social since working with FlyDog Digital. They’re easy to work with and creative in their approach - a real partner you can trust, and a safe pair of hands with your brand. Can't wait to continue and see where we go from here!

-From Dana, Empower Your Mind Therapy


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